In the implementation of our strategic plan on Resource Mobilization, we are trusting God to see the work in Kenya strongly and sustainably supported from within Kenya in ways that are biblically sound and financially prudent.

In this regard we have come up with Tufike Mia initiative.

We are trusting God to raise Ksh 20 Million annually to go into three key areas:

Leadership Development

Our product is people. And people raise people. After 60 years in Kenya, the first generation of staff is slowing down. We need to identify, recruit, train, develop and deploy the Next Generation of leaders for the work.

We are trusting God to raise 20 leaders every year. The cost per trainee is Ksh. 600,000 a year (kshs. 50,000 monthly). Total yearly training budget is Kshs 12,000,000 (twelve million shillings).

Ministry expansion : new locations and entities

God has been laying on our hearts the need to move into hitherto unconventional Navigator ministry entities such as Rural, Urban Poor, Peoples of other faiths. To expand into these new areas we need ksh.3.5m annually.


Our calling talks about advancing the Gospel. Over the years, Kenya has sent missionaries to other countries in Africa and more recently the US and Canada. To continually identify, recruit, train, send and care for our missionaries while they are on the field and when they return home briefly to visit or at the end of their tour of duty we need to invest financially. We are trusting God to raise ksh. 4.5 M annually for missions.


PAYBILL : 880114

ACCOUNT: Tufike Mia


The Navigator Kenya Endowment Fund is part of the Tufike Mia initiative.

The Endowment Fund comprises a pool of funds donated by various benefactors of the ministry and shall be invested in capital market instruments in order to provide a consistent level of annual income to help meet the Navigators Kenya ministry training and growth requirements (Leader Development,Ministry Expansion and Missions) and to protect the fund’s assets against inflation or deflation.

Endowment Types and Fund Withdrawals

Unrestricted permanent endowments:  The capital shall be retained in perpetuity, and cannot be drawn upon to support expenditure.  The annual income earned shall not be tied to specific purposes and may be used by the Navigators Kenya for any of its training and ministry growth purposes in accordance with its annual budget.

Restricted permanent endowment: The capital shall be retained in perpetuity, and cannot be drawn upon to support expenditure.  The annual income must be used strictly in accordance with the terms specified by the benefactor.

Restricted expendable endowment:  The capital cannot be drawn upon to support expenditure and shall be returned to the benefactor upon expiry of the period stipulated by the benefactor.  The income must be used strictly in accordance with the terms stipulated by the Benefactor.

Unrestricted expendable endowment: Neither the capital nor the income earned shall be tied to specific purposes.  Both capital and income may be withdrawn and may be used by the Navigators Kenya for any of its training and ministry growth purposes in accordance with its annual budget.

Approved Asset Classes

The Fund’s assets may be invested in the following asset classes up to the limit shown.

Asset Class Maximum Limit as a Percentage  of Fund Value
Government of Kenya Treasury Bills/Bonds 100%
Money Market Fund/Unit Trust 100%
Cash and/or Call Deposits 5%
Corporate  Bonds (Note 1) 20%
Local Balanced Fund/Unit Trust 50%
Foreign Currency Balanced Fund Unit Trust 10%

Note 1: This excludes corporate bonds of companies trading in products or services that are in clear violation of Biblical values.

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