The magic in the little stories

As I think about ministry, I find this to be true- that the magic in any big story is written in a myriad of little stories. Think of that big story; that life that turned around or that friend who met with Jesus one day in a mundane little prayer. But everyday as meetings happened and as people talked a little more, the magic was happening. The heart and the mind were learning new things and transformation was occurring. During prayers muttered in difficult and not so difficult moments, Jesus was found. I am reminded of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19 where the Lord spoke to Elijah. In the middle of threats to his life and a drought, Elijah went to the mountain of God. We are told that as he was there, a mighty windstorm blew so terribly that it blasted the rocks loose. Then there was an earthquake and a fire, but God was not in any of them. Finally Elijah heard the sound of a gentle whisper and wrapped his face in a cloak because the Lord was in it.

This year’s second semester was quiet. It did not have the activity that other semesters usually have. Weeks were spent knocking doors, having spiritual conversations with students, sometimes only once since they were quite hard to find again. I kept asking myself time and again whether anything meaningful was happening. As the semester ended I looked back and I couldn’t help but admit that regardless of what I saw, the Lord had done a lot.

One little story is of a girl that I had been meeting randomly. One day as we sat down sipping a drink, we were joined by some guys on an evangelistic mission. We were just catching up, so we didn’t mind hearing what our fellow Christians had to say. What they didn’t know is that my friend Carol was about to make them really scratch their heads. She had very many questions. The amazing thing is that by the time our uninvited guests left, Carol’s face had lit up. She had learned that the Muslims and the Christians do not worship one God. Pretty basic discovery for most people, but for Carol it seemed to be huge. I believe God was there with us and had brought those two brothers our way for her.

Another little story occured later in the semester. I was joined by Bryanna and Catie, Navigators from Canada. During our time on campus we sat with a lady who was curious about Bible reading. We shared the different ways to read the Bible and how it can be meaningful for her. Later we gave her the Topical Memory System (TMS)* pack and asked her to read a verse a day.

Another little story I remember is a sleepover I had with a university student who was on long holiday. We had a night of “just being girls” and later on learnt how to have devotional time with the LORD. There is also the little story of the girl with whom I had a long conversation on phone and ended it with a prayer, leaving both of us encouraged. These stories are not big on the miracle radar, but I believe that the Lord used these little experiences to draw us closer to Him. Instead of only looking out for the earthquakes and the fires, I will also be keen to experience God in the tender whispers and trust that He is there too.

By Faith Mwendwa

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