I (Sam) serve as a Field Ministry Partner (FMP) with Navigator Church Ministries (NCM )- Nairobi. I am a Certified Public Accountant by profession and a graduate in Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship and Wholistic Community Development from Africa International University.
I am married to Carol and we are blessed with two children; Mshindi Abdiel and Mayan Sifa. Carol is a graduate teacher and a trained pastor with a Master of Divinity in Theology, she serves with our local Presbyterian Church as a Children’s Pastor.
We are passionate about discipling young people, especially those among the urban and rural majority settings (low income urban and rural backgrounds).Both of us having grown in similar backgrounds. My heart bears a deep burden for economic and social transformation for the less privileged, besides sharing the gospel with them. It is this desire to share self-help skills with them that led me to pursue Entrepreneurship and Community Development.
Our ministry is anchored in the promise in Isaiah 49:8-9:
This is what the Lord says: “In time of my favour I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and reassign its desolate inheritance, to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’
Our current ministry focus is in low income urban settings, in Nairobi. We are trusting God to see faithful young men and women emerge from these contexts, who have ‘a heart for the whole person’ and are empowered with ministry and self-developmental entrepreneurial skills, who believe that the gospel of Christ is the answer to the prevailing challenges of poverty, unemployment and widespread immorality, especially among the youth, and who are ready to invest their lives in people from similar contexts.
Currently, we are investing our lives in about seven young men from church and non-church contexts; four are in university, two in high school and one is in the market place. We are praying for them the promise in Isaiah 60:22; “…The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”