God graciously provided an opportunity for me to be part of ‘the ministry of reconciliation’ (2 Corinthians 5:18) among students at Kenyatta University. He is in the business of changing people and it’s been exciting to be part of His work with the Navs since 2014.
While we go to school primarily to get an education, I believe that God puts us there for a greater purpose. To fulfil the great commission! (Matt 28:19, 20). Most students spend an average of four years in school and will probably make decisions that will set trajectory for their lives beyond campus. Decisions about location, marriage, work. University is such a good place to influence young minds for Jesus as they prepare for the market place and the future as adults. So that as they go, they will make disciples of all nations. The freedom in University is deceptive and I therefore think it is the best time to develop and grow in a relationship with God (Yet I your servant have worshiped the Lord since my youth.1 Kings 18:12).
It is for this reason that the gospel compels me to help students live in a manner that pleases God in every way and help them define principles and values as they prepare for life after campus. My desire is that students will make the most of life in Uni and live wholeheartedly for God. Please pray for us at KU as we look to experience God and rely on Biblical truths for guidance.