The Seven Professional Nations… (Full Version)
The great commission given to the Church of Jesus Christ as seen in Matthew 28:18-20 is a command given to every believer in Christ Jesus.Each believer has a part to play in bringing the nations under the Kingdom and will of God (Matthew 6:10). In order to carry out and fulfill this great commission the Church must realise that within every geographical nation are also professional and language based nations which the church must strategically and effectively work to reconcile to God.
These professional nations form the major cultures of society in any geographical nation.Every believer in Christ in a kingdom missionary sent on a Kingdom mission through one or more of these professional nations to influence the nations back under the dominion of God.
This book seeks to bring the church into an understanding of God’s strategy towards establishing His Kingdom over the geographical nations by first working to reconcile the professional nations to god through the saints in the earth.
A publication of The Joshua Generation Trust.
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