I was raised by a Christian mother (and a non-believing father). She became a strong influence in my life very early on. I can still remember finding her kneeling somewhere in the house early in the morning every day, praying. I do not remember a day that I got up earlier than she did. She took us to church and did all she knew how to do to help us know Christ. But my mom was often sick, and did not experience a good marriage with my dad. We were also very poor. One difficulty with Christianity that I experienced as early as I can remember is that it was rampantly preached that Christians should not suffer if they have a good relationship with God. This was so disturbing because my mum was among the people I would consider most genuine in their walk with God, yet she suffered so terribly. I therefore thought that there was something wrong with much of the Christianity that I experienced in my early life, but I could not quite explain what it was.
I grew up with up many questions about faith, whose answers seemed elusive. But God was so merciful to sustain in me a deep conviction of His goodness even amidst suffering. I only could not quite reconcile the harmony between the goodness of God and the reality of suffering in the lives of those who loved and walked with Him. I became very reflective in nature, because of trying to find answers to the questions that so constantly plagued me.
When I was about ten, I developed such a strong desire to own a Bible. My parents were too poor to buy me one. I can still remember the joy that filled my heart when one day a team from Gideons gave us New Testaments in school. I could not put mine down lest I risk losing it. But with time I desired to own a complete Bible. I began asking some of my friends if they had extra Bibles at home which they could give. One friend gave me a complete Bible, but which had the apocrypha in it. Since this was strange even to my parents, they thought of it as belonging to a cult, and asked me to return it to the owner. I can still remember the sadness. But after a few months, we were given new copies of the Good News Bible at Compassion center (an organization that was sponsoring me). Oh! the joy that filled my heart that day! I thumbed the Bible frequently, but without any order or consistency. I thus knew more of the Bible than many of my peers. But the piercing questions I had still lacked a clear response.
I was involved with the Christian Union throughout high school and was part of the leadership. I continued to read the Bible continually, seeking God with others and even served in my local church in the music team. I gained better knowledge of God with time. But still my questions persisted. Other questions were added with time. Among the severest concerned true Christian transformation. Could God transform people to live by the Christian standards that I saw in the Bible? This was because I saw so little demonstration of the truths that I saw in the Bible in real life, even among church leaders and pastors.
One day I met a person who had recently joined our little Baptist church, who seemed to be very different. He shared with us in a church Bible Study that he read his Bible through once a year. He showed us his journal. It was also evident with time as I continued to know him that he endeavored to live out the things the Bible said. He was ordinary in every way, but his life was very different. This man challenged us to read our Bibles as he read his. I was in my final year of high school. I began to implement his challenge right away. Consistency and discipline were now introduced into my Bible reading. As time went by, much of the Bible began to become familiar. I saw many truths of which I was initially oblivious. But I wanted to understand it coherently as a whole harmonious unit, and not just as a collection of varied, fragmented facts. My Christian life became richer, but still more questions emerged.
I later learnt that the gentleman I had met in church served with an organization called the Navigators. With time he exposed me to more their programs and I got to meet more people who were part of the Navigators. I think for the first time in my life I saw a people who loved the Bible and who strived to live it out. This was new and inviting. It was the kind of thing I had been longing to see for a long time. I therefore made a commitment to stick with these people, and to follow their way of life.
God also provided very helpful resources, I got to read helpful books which together with my Bible became sources of answers to my fundamental questions. I understood the harmony between the goodness of God and human suffering. The sovereign God has ordained even the suffering of His children to make them more like His Son, something that would give them eternal life of endless joy. Also, I understood that because God saves us from sin, He intends that we no longer live under its power. Therefore, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can live a transformed life. What freedom and zeal this aroused in me! John Piper’s book “Finally Alive” among others was so profound and fundamental in my understanding of salvation and its implications. I became so enthusiastic and desired to see others come to this knowledge of the truth.
I have been growing in my knowledge of God throughout my university life through consistent Bible reading, the reading of sound books and fellowship with Christian friends.
After university I was convicted that God was leading me to invest my life to helping people know the truth that had remained obscure to me for very many years. That is why I accepted the invitation by the Navigators to join the ministry training. This would offer me an opportunity to continue growing, and also to disciple students. My first level of training began in Eldoret, where I primarily reached out to students in Moi University. Currently I have moved to Kakamega, and I am still trusting the Lord for the same things—to continue growing in the Lord even as I continue walking with others, especially students, to help them grow in the Lord.

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Account name: Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530049
Bank name: NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000