Currently there are many references on parenting available. Bookshops are full of books that tell you what to do with your family but many of these books have no reference to God. In many of such books, the end justifies the means but in the working of God, the means is just as important as the end.
Grace Community International (GCI) and Raising Future Parents of The Navigators-Kenya, have designed programs to equip parents on how to train, instruct, guide coach and discipline their children using Biblical principles.
Our Vision
“Winning the world through heads of households” Acts 16:31 “Discipling the world through families” Joshua 24:15
Our Aim
To spread these parenting principles all over Africa
Our Objective
To equip the heads of households within the church to evangelize and disciple first their families and ultimately, through the multiplication of this ministry their community, the world.
What is covered?
The workshop covers a whole range of topics, which include:
The authority and supremacy of God’s word
The Scriptural Basis for Training and Discipling of Children
The Training Process – An Explanation of Discipline; Suggested levels of Discipline; The training Process; wisdom and life skills; Father and mothers
The spiritual Development of Your Children
Drawing Near to Your Child by Helping Your Child to be a Success
Drawing near to Your Child through Play and Affection
The Transition Years into Adolescence
Benson & Monica Otemba
Eleanor and John Mahon
Patience and Stanley Mukolwe
David & Margaret Karang’atha,
Dr. Samson & Patricia Wasao
Kindly find the ages covered, registration information and payment details on the class registration link below.

Email: parenting@raisingfutureparents.com
Phone :+254-790-152-080 or +254-733-948-854
Website: http://www.raisingfutureparents.com/