The world is broken and our fallenness fractures relationships; this greatly impacts the family unit. There is a void, an increased sense of hopelessness, a thirst and misplaced identity in our generation that we are desperately trying to fill and resolve. I am trusting God to come alongside children, teenagers and young ladies from such backgrounds; pointing them to Jesus, trusting that they will experience the transforming power of the gospel, grow in their intimacy with Jesus and have the boldness to share their new found hope with others and later build discipling families founded on Christ.
My name is Lisper Wawira, a DMLT (Disciple Maker Leader Trainee) in Machakos. I met the Navigators in my campus years at Machakos University and began attending their bible studies. I was amazed at their knowledge of the word and their constant reference to having a relationship with God which I didn’t clearly understand given the fact that I had never had a clear explanation of the gospel. I had grown up attending church and responded to many altar calls, yet I continued living a sinful life.
I later met Norah (who disciple me) and as I interacted with the word my eyes were opened; My heart was longing and like the woman at the well I was searching, so with a clear understanding I surrendered my life to the Lordship of Christ. This was the beginning of an intentional relationship with the Lord and it wasn’t long before I discovered a desire to share this new found life with others and to help them just as I had been helped. After campus I joined STEM (Short Term Experience in Ministry) with the assurance that God had called me as His servant and that He was with me (Isaiah 41:9-10) and Continued on to DMLT.
I desire to see the gospel of Christ reach into the nations, disciples emerging as He works in me to will and to act according to His purpose and pleasure.
Pray Isaiah 55:5 and 41:9-10 for me.

Account name : Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530054
Bank name : NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000
Account name: Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530049
Bank name: NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000
ACCOUNT NUMBER : Lisper Murithi