I met the Navigators in 2007 a day after I had committed my life to Jesus while in Statehouse Girls High School.Zenah Nyathama my now mentor,would come every Monday for Bible study and she helped me to better understand the decision I had made to follow Christ.
On graduating from High school I joined CORE group that met every Sunday and still does  and I would also go with Zenah to Statehouse on Mondays.The experiences I had were foundational to nurturing my desire to help others in the same way I was helped. 2 Timothy 2:2 inspired me to join Disciple Making Leader Training (DMLT), in September 2015 after my Undergraduate in B.A Psychology from Kenyatta University. I trust that this process will develop and equip me as an effective laborer in the Lord’s vineyard.
As I serve in CORE group and University of Nairob,Kenya Science Campus,I desire to see the young people grow in their walk with God to the point where they are able to influence their peers and those younger than them in the same way.