Attending church every Sunday while being a good obedient kid at home who was doing well in school had me convinced that I was saved and I would go to heaven if I were to die. Well, at least this is what I thought and so I did everything right to avoid ending up in hell where I knew I would burn and burn forever just as I had learnt in Sunday school.
I was born and raised in Nairobi where I lived under my parents watch not until I was placed to do my undergraduate in Journalism at the Technical University of Mombasa where I first encountered the Navigators who invited me for a Bible study.
Upon attending the first meeting, I met young vibrant students who loved the Lord and it was evident in how they loved and cared for others above all they were fun to be around and from that moment I knew this is the place where I wanted to be but little did I know how I would encounter God just by sticking around.
I immediately enrolled in a small group study where I learnt to study God’s word on my own. As we did our Bible studies I remember one thing that shocked me, the idea that we are saved by grace and not works in Ephesians 2:8-9. Here I was, a Christian my entire life yet I had not heard of such a thing. I remember feeling so confused, of how I had gotten it all wrong in my life. How could it be possible I had never heard of such a thing? Yet here I was claiming to be saved. I struggled at it, first because this was a strange concept for me compared to what I was used to.
Immediately I finished campus in 2022 I was invited to join the Short term experience in Ministry (STEM), and I’m happy to share that I completed my first year in STEM and I recently signed up for a Discipleship Making Leadership Training for two years and I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. As I am being equipped by my Trainors and the Lord, I am extending what I am learning and sharing the love of Christ to campus students in Technical University of Mombasa. I count it joy that I get to be part of what the Lord is doing in their lives and my hope is that we will all grow to be rooted and built up in Christ just as is mentioned in Colossians 2:6-7. That our lives will reflect the fullness of Christ even as we interact with our friends and family with the hope of one day seeing our Lord and savior Jesus Christ even as I continue to obey the great commission in Mathew 28:18-20.

Account name : Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530054
Bank name : NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000
Account name: Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530049
Bank name: NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000
ACCOUNT NUMBER : Keziah Elnino