Going to church is one of the good habits many of us have developed. I recently met three young men, Duncan, Daniel and Charles, on their way home from a church service. I asked for some of their time. Since they were just going home to relax, they agreed to sit and talk. “So what do you understand by salvation?” I asked. One of them said he links it to going to church because his parents introduced him to Sunday school, another one to baptism and another one to doing good deeds. I saw the need to share the gospel with them. I used the Navigator bridge illustration. After explaining to them using scriptures, I asked which side they thought they belonged to, death or life? There was silence, then one after the other they replied, “I have not yet crossed.”
The bible talks of salvation as a gift of God (not of human works) by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Like those three young men, many believe that by good works and being religious they are saved. Every Tuesday and Wednesday I meet different groups to read the bible together, one in Kawangware and another one in Kabiria. This resulted from the understanding that many have not been reached with the basic truths of the scriptures despite being regular church attendants. My prayer is that the Lord creates in me a heart for people that I may be able to bring truth to those I serve. As we take time to read the bible together, may the truth be revealed to them.
By Livingstone Mulunda