My name is Faith Mawia, I came to the Lord in 2008 and immediately after was introduced to a discipleship Bible study that was run by the Navigators in State House Girls. This marked the beginning of my journey with the Navigators. After high school, I joined CoreGroup, a high school graduates program whose main aim in to see young people grow in their character to become more like Christ. I later joined campus in January 2012 at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. During this time, I continued to interact with the Navigators through their campus ministry program. I graduated in November 2015 after which I joined staff training with the Navigators- Â at University of Nairobi- Kenya Science campus.
I currently serve with EPTF (Economic Projects Transformational Facility), a Ministry of The Navigators whose vision is ‘‘To Empower Kingdom Minded Entrepreneurs Transforming Communities’’. I am working here as a Project’s Assistant in the Projects Office in Nairobi.
It has always been my passion to work with the poor and marginalized in the community and empower them economically while bringing the Good news of Jesus and His kingdom to them. EPTF gives me an appropriate platform to do this.
I also serve with the Navigators at University of Nairobi- Kenya Science campus where I lead a small group bible study and disciple ladies.
My greatest desire is to see people come to the true knowledge our Lord Jesus Christ and grow in Him.I also desire to become an effective and fruitful laborer in whatever context God places me.