My campus life could have turned out very differently because of the freedom I expected and was looking forward to. Being away from family and parental restrictions was something that many could only hope for. But having been raised in a church going family I chose to identify myself with the Moi University Christian Union. I had three roommates with whom we spent one academic year together. One was not born again but the other two, I believe, had experienced the new life in Christ Jesus. They strived to live out the Scriptures. Observing them read their bibles brought about in me a desire to grow in the knowledge of God’s word and to turn from my old way of living which was self-centered to a Christ exalting life.

In second year, I decided to join a church Bible study group. It was an avenue to experience growth in the knowledge of Scriptures, and also have fun and fellowship with my peers. We enjoyed preparing meals together. In this group, I belonged to a Christian community. I was constantly reminded to read God’s word and memorize scriptures. At that point, it was hard to read the Bible daily but with time it became part of my daily lifestyle.

I realized a gradual but steady growth when I met Kenneth Njoroge, a contact staff with the Navigators in Moi University main campus. He helped me to grasp the message of the cross by bringing out clearly what we studied in Scripture. He guided me through the assurance of salvation, the key verse was John 5:24, ‘I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and obeys him who send me has eternal life and will not be condemned. He has crossed over from death to life’.

A challenge on my side was when he asked me to share the gospel with other students. I considered myself a young believer and it was scary to share the little I knew about God and His word. Sharing of the gospel with other students reminded me of God’s great show of love to me allowing His son to die for the sake of my sins. A single passion for my life is not to be afraid but keep speaking of Jesus, assured that He is with me always to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20). I am Trusting God to continue experiencing a transformation of the heart and grow to love what He loves in the next two years and beyond as I seek to influence student’s lives for His name’s sake at Moi University.



Account name : Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530054
Bank name : NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000


Account name: Navigators Kenya
Account number: 6427530049
Bank name: NCBA
Address: P.O Box 47300-00100, Nairobi
Branch: Wabera
Branch Code: 07000



ACCOUNT NUMBER : Ephraim Kasuti

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