Bethuel & Pam Bissem

I joined the Navigators in 2006 after many years struggling as a Christian. I always knew that something was missing from my life as a believer but could not tell what that was. I really did desired to know God’s word but struggled to do so. This is why I am so thankful for Jesus leading me to the Navigators where I met Milton Mao. Milton walked with me and helped navigate my life in Christ. Someone who took a personal interest in me, taught me to study the Scriptures and pray as a lifestyle. He also taught me how to reach other students with the Gospel and it transformed my walk of faith.

When I graduated from University in 2008, I knew that God had called me to do the same for others. He spoke to me through Isaiah 61:1-6 and Matthew 29:18-20 about the lostness of people around me and God’s desire to bring healing and wholeness to them. He put a great burden on my heart for other students who struggled as I did and for the multitude of unbelieving students who needed to hear the gospel of Christ Jesus. I responded by joining the Navigators and I have worked as a Navigator on University Campuses ever since.

My wife and I now lead the Navigators Students Ministry Team here in Nairobi. We have ministries in High Schools, those transitioning from High School and among Collegiate students. As I lead this team, I pray that we will see Jesus impact generations in Nairobi and beyond through the students we disciple now.

We live and work in Nairobi and have been blessed with two children: Ariella and Kayanet Bissem.

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